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 HospitalHospital (India) Zero Cost Ethical Marketing 
(Indian Medico Legal angles)
Price -
$300 USD  one time fees

Introduction &  BENEFITS YOU CAN EXPECT of "Zero Cost Ethical Marketing for Doctor"  Online Course

Benefits( Results) you can  expect (upon impleneting) from this "zero cost ethical marketing Strategy program training hand holding" can do for you
* 20 % more revenues, more patients, more conversions,More genuine leads, more sales
* Have 15
% more time by using tech software to Automate & internally organised as much as possible 
 using FREE things on digital internet within 3-6 months of implementation 
* more number of  online consultation related more patient cases
* 5 different Follow up systems for a.lead nurturing to actual walkin conversion b. Old patients who were 1 year back to persuade for repeat business c. To get reviews from patients d. Being in touch e. Referral network develop
* Referral network specially for small town 
* Local competition zero cost mrkt  strategies
* Digital marketing for zero cost for lead generation, online visibility, social media strategy  right way, right frequency....basic seo
* at Every interaction Touch point >> 1  step extra that shows you care about your patients and increase conversion
* Branding - offline, online & personal branding

Index Content Sections modules inside this Online Course "Hospital (India) Zero Cost Ethical Marketing "

This course is divided into 14 section modules. These are bascially 14 aspects of running a clinic from Business Marketing angles

Section - Zero Cost Lead Generation Strategies

 24 new FREE Zero Cost ways for more Lead Generation Strategies with mix of Both ONLINE & OFFLINE WAYS about how to get new Enquiry/new Leads/ New Patients  with Secret mantra, pros & Cons & Real example

  • WHATSAPP AUTOMATION  Complete (sending Message, chat bot)

  • AUTOMATE  EMAIL & WHATSAPP, Spreadsheet/Excel & Auto Replying to Reviews on Google Automatically using connecting Software

  • AI    ( important FREE AI software for Doctor Medical Pros)

  • And MUCH MORE 

 AUTOMATE- Employees HR process using Free Things
  • AUTOMATE EMPLOYEE HIRING  process (using FREE things)

  • AUTOMATE employee LEAVE approval process (using FREE things)

  • AUTOMATE  purchase and reimbursement process (using FREE things)

  • AUTOMATE intrenal Training (using FREE things)

  • And MUCH MORE 


Sales Prospecting

Sales Lead Generation

Qualifying Leads


Sales Process 

Sales Pipeline Building Thumbrules 


Sales Mindset

Sales Stress Management Techniques

Section - FOLLOW UP SYSTEMS - Six Care Based Follow Up SYSTEMS to be positively in touch

Because Doctors cannot be salesy or pushy , so here are 6 different postive ways of basically being in touch with your patients customer base without being irritating or pushy 

Section - Revenue Management 

Beds/ Room Vacant, Beds Occupied & other such concepts

Section - Digital Marketing Free Ways, Free Software, etc fine tuned with Secret Mantra, Pros & Cons as per Doctor Clinic Hospital Medical line  

15 plus videos to start with & Result pack 3 mins To DO Exercise to give immidiate digital makeover, digital boost which can be done in the first week itself to get some results actions 

Section - Interactive Touch Points (CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAPPING) to build Loyalty, extra care & inturn increase conversions & Repeat business  

There are basically 10 key interactions between a Patient & Doctor Clinic staff in the whole journey of CUSTOMER PATIENT from the very first intial enquiry phone call to doctor clinic to actual visit to the clinc, to doctor treatment  and post leaving the clinic hospital campus.

This concept is also called CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAPPING in MBA Jargons. I have tried to implement this concept  for a doctor clinic set up using free things how can we become 1 step better, 1 step more caring at each interaction with the patients (irrespective whether its online, telephonic or offline in person visit )

Section - ATTENDANT (FAMILY MEMBER) JOURNEY MAPPING to build Loyalty, extra care TO Be better then next competing hospital  

This includes a few recommendations that you may like to implement. Most important thing is to consciously include both Patient & Their Attendant (Family) in you mental planning whenever you are thinking about caring patients during hospital stay. So things like what can be 1 step extra of care to both Patients & also attendant (Family) 


Why I included this section is because doctors are only focused over Patients but in reality the Attendant/Family of patients gets disturbed whenever patients are admitted in the hospital. Family attendants  are worried, full of fear, have to wake up whole night to be with the patient, might have to take leave from job during patient stay, manage money for operations etc, & take extra care. 


If you also take small little extra care for ATTENDANT (Family) alongwith the patient, you develop much more LOYALTY & positive word of mouth. This helps in building competitive advantage over other hospitals in same  local area since other competitor hospitals are mainly focus on Patients only & often completely ignore attendants. 

Section - Marketing Services Offers & Packages for Doctor Medical line  

Here i have introduced some new concept like CASHFLOW IN- DEMAND SERVICES, LIFEJACKET SERVICES & BACK UP SERVICES. I have also discussed details about Niche marketing with real life doctor examples to explain Concept of NICHE in medical line , 

Section - Branding Secrets using zero cost ways/ low cost was for Doctors Clinic/Hospital 

Clinic & Hospital needs local people and get Famous because of 1-2 Key doctors. So for most of clinics & Small hospital the medical branding is more of mix of PERSONAL BRANDING & LOCAL SMALL BUSINESS BRANDING more focused over 5km -10 km radius in local area.    Here i have discussed about FREE  zero cost to very low cost ways of branding for Doctor Medical professionals 

Section - Tele Medicine & Online Consulting 
Section - HR Best Practise 

This section is focused over when you already have employees. then what things you can do to make them comparatively more happy, more productive, more enthusaistic towards, so as they become more loyal & server your customer better. You as Head boss take "BETTER" care of your employees & the employees take "BETTER" care of your Patients/Customers 

Section - Internal Documentation, Compaliance etc related optimisation

For small clinic & Small hospital we use simple things like google drive, google spredsheets, etc to have all internal documentation, etc things are optimized . 

Like , one of things i did, was that I have put Formulas Macros in excel sheet to make it like a Clinic Patient Managment System in Excel sheet using formulas Macros, to save money & time for costly Patient management software for small hospital set up . Video below 

Section - Increase Productivity & Time Management 

Key Time management Concepts principles because along with more money sales this zero cost Ethical marketing course also aims to get increase 10% -15% extra free time for personal life

Section- Personal Finance & Cost Cutting techniques for Doctors Clinic 

This sections includes about 13 cost cutting Plus another 15  Personal finance Tip for Irregular source of earnings (as in like doctors cannot predict how many new patients will walk in tommorow so they have kind of  irregular source of earning ) .


Also i found There were certain key patterns which i found doctors were repeatedly doing when it comes to personal finances & Cost cutting to run their clinic set up. This was mostly because they have not  even aware of this,  sometimes because no one have told them to cut cost this way ; sometimes because they have not even thought brainstorm from those angles when it comes to personal finance & cost cutting.

Section- Reverse Engineering 

Most of times are Yearly Sales goals/ Financial goals/ Targets are often NOT achieved because there are certain key mistakes that we do in (faulty) mental planning stage itself.  What are those, how can we fix it . 

In this section we try to  change in our mindset attitude at Mental planning stage itself to make our future plans things much more predictable, practical  &  compartively more achievable  

Dr. Amit Tade,
Diabetologist, mbbs,
Pune, India

"Zero-cost ethical marketing" is one of the best courses or guidelines in busy practise time to build and grow our own clinic setup.
Praval sir used to explain complicated marketing strategies and concepts in very simple language in a very few minutes.
Also, the Clinic master sheet helps in keeping proper records of patients, income, and expenses.
Because of your motivation, Sir, I started practising making small videos for patient education. 
Praval sir is always available for help in any difficulty. Thanks!
dr ss sibia.png

Dr. S.S. Sibia
Alternate Bye Pass, ECMR, Chelaton Treatment Specialist,
Ludhiana, Punjab, India

When we think of marketing we think of huge expenses, this mental block has been effectively broken by  Praval ji who has explained very well how we can get the maximum milage with minimum expense. 
Zero cost ethical marketing course by Praval Dadheech ji is an eye opener. I recommend it for anyone –  beginner or already established in their field. Pravalji connects very well with his audience and provides  solutions to queries based on his ongoing research attitude
Dr Anil Kaul ENT 1.jpg

Dr Anil Kaul
Consultant in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery
Panchkula (Haryana),India

I am a ENT Consultant in  professional practice.I had the  good fortune to take up the online Zero cost ethical marketing course offered by Mr Praval Dadheech ,with a view to get fresh insight on how to market the professional services being offered  in a effective and productive manner.I must say that right from the start I was impressed by Praful’s infectious enthusiasm and his sustained efforts in ensuring that the concepts put forward by him are easily understood .The concepts and ideas put forth by him in a systematic and organised manner  are very helpful and innovative. His presentations are done in  a  effective manner to ensure easy and smooth implementation in the relevant professional clinic setup. Further, he was always very accommodating in changing schedule of the one to one zoom sessions on my request due to unexpected professional /other unavoidable commitments.
Dr Shilpa Kenkere 1.jpg

Dr. Shilpa Kenkere 
Dentist, Goa, India

 " I have done zero cost marketing strategy with Praval Dadheech. I must say that the course was a very informative and enriching experience.The 1 to 1 sessions were quite helpful in reinventing things.

It helped me to organize my practice, compelled me to think about the shortcomings in my approach and the results are amazing! Thank you for your guidance and support, Praval
Dr Rahul gupta 3.jpg

Dr Rahul Gupta,
Dentist, Goa,


 Mr Praval Dadheech ( Advait Sharma) approached me selling this zero cost ethical marketing and requested appointment for  free strategy session to check if this is right fit for me. It was somewhere at the end of 2020. 
Intuitively his tele talks sounds very convincing & I became interested in his knowledge of these new ideas to buy this course. I took it by his confidence that it'll work and the shear will to keep trying for us.
Later when I joined it, I was really impressed by the amount of work he has put behind his course, the shear details, such a lot of homework and profiling, so many examples..and so on. He has really put a lot of hard work and hours into this course. 
Majority of his techniques require minimum efforts from our side and can be easily implemented within short time. My course is still going on but I am sure it will work.

I will definitely recommend him to anyone who is interested or even considering him. He's really hardworking and had out enourmous amount of hours into making this. Best of luck
Dr Sonal Kapoor Madiwale.jpg

 Dr. Sonal Kapoor Madiwale,
Homeopathic , 30 years of experience & sidewise starting a Pathology Diagnostic lab 
Pune, India

Dear Mr. Praval Dadheech
I appreciate your sincere efforts and time given for the one-on-one training on zero cost marketing techniques.   I found many of your ideas useful and would be implementing them soon (with a little fine adjustments according to my needs) to enhance my practice.
It will not only help in increasing the inflow of patients but also help in building Doctor-Patient relationship.
Thank you so much.
Free RESOURCE  KIT includes Excel Sheet Downloadable, editable but WITH FORMULAS & MACROS inside excel to get all things organised & structure on 

1- Patient Clinic Master Sheet Excel Sheet

2- Health Camp Event Master 

3. 150 indian Free SEO listing medical website for instant online visiblity & SEO 

4. Personal Finance Master Sheet

Clinic Patient Management Master sheet (excel sheet downloadable, editable) in Free Resource Kit
HEALTH CAMP EVENT Master sheet excel sheet with FORMULA macros etc as  downloadable, editable in Free Resource Kit
Personal finance Master sheet excel sheet with FORMULA macros etc as  downloadable editable Excel in Free Resource Kit


Does it have any  MONEY BACK guarantee, if I am dissatisfied 

How much is Fees ? Is it one time or do I need to pay per month ??

No. There is No money back guarantee.

If you are dissatisfied, not getting good  results then I will give EXTRA DEDICATED TIME to find & fix and make sure you are satisfied, as and if needed

Course fees is one time of $95 USD for indian doctor course (Indian medico-legal angles) which you can pay lumpsum or in 2 equal installments half fees now and rest half fees after 1 month (30-35 days later) 

You don't need to pay per month .It doesn't have anything thing like monthly subscription type fees 

How will I get personal attention??  Do you take hundreds of course buyers per month ??

To give dedicated personal attention to each course buyers With the result pack intiative this zero cost ethical marketing training course program have already become very effective to maintain balance between theory & practical action implementation, 

I have limited number of course buyers in each month /each batch size in both for existing Indian medico legal angles online course to maximum 15-18 per month [ Approx 3-4 per week] because this is the way i was doing it from last 2.5 years and so now I am much more practically experience on managing this much intake on  ongoing basis and still easily have been managing in between stuff from last 2.5 years now 

Even whenever future planned  GROUP SESSION Overseas doctor training program in 2024-25, I have planned to restrict  limited batch size around 20-25 per batch to maintain personal attention and results focus

Can Indian doctor course buyers attend FUTURE upcoming 2024-2025 overseas doctor group session batch with Overseas doctor??

No, Not as on now. Also because medico legal complexity, overseas patients psychology & overseas patient pays through social security number & medical insurance & dental membership plans which is totally different from India doctor requirements, Indian patients psychology is very different then overseas patients who are eager to legally sue doctor for mistakes all the internal contents concept have to be changed and fine tuned as per overseas doctor practically in layman words if one is veg burger another is chicken burger ......all the internal ingredients recipe are different
Kindly note what works in USA Canada etc cannot be blindly copy pasted in India and vice versa.
Also I have limited batch size hand holding support capacity for overseas doctor because the entire group gets disturbed & lots of doctor valuable time gets wasted  

How much Time does it take to complete this course ?? Do i need to do in 1 sitting like rigourous course or will i do it at my convenient self paced

This is a SELF PACED course . So you can decide your own comforable speed to complete this course as per your time availability.   

From Time management angle, doctors can do this course easily on Dull days of week when less patients walk in. Every week have atleast 1-2 Dull day of week when less patients walks in , so you can easily squeze upto 90 mins on each of these dull day of week to cover up, and rest week days you can take out 10 mins here , 10 mins there so that SUNDAY is holiday for your family. 

 You cannot do the course in one sitting in most cases . Infact I recommed the other way based on Robin Sharma 1% improvement for next 100 days = 100% improvement productivity Principle customized for clinic doctors . I recommend that for inital 100 days you you follow 10 mins , 10 mins there Plus Squeezing 1.5-2 hours in slow moving day of week to keep sundays free for family friend 

Practically speaking , since doctors life routiene is full of uplanned medical emergencies......we follow 100 days,1% improvement and majorly work on Dull Day of the weeks. 


Can i Automate this ??

Yes, you can automate lot of things & You must try do automation to save time . BUT NOT ALL of them, As there are many conceptual videos theory part which tells the secret mantra, Right Way, Right time etc. Also each doctor have there own personalized unique working style . BUT good part is you still can automate many things but not all things. 


  There are also 3 mins To Do Exercise telling you in detail what things you can Practically automate using free Google drive, Google workspace & whatsapp broadcast list etc

But I recommended that you start automation only after 100 days or atleast 2 months because the intial 1 month is more of your learning curve, when you brainstorm from these new angles, Getting hang of things & doing controlled experiment on random sample size of 5-10 to get idea of how will you manage backend at your clinic, how will you supervise your staff etc type factors before you become aggressive on automating things to maintain healthy balance of  HUMAN CARE & TECH AUTOMATION


Buy Now  Price $300 USD

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If you have any questions,doubts, issues, concerns, then please feel
free to contact us

Contact Us

Mobile +91-8959802646

Address G-7, Ayodhya Appartment, 9a Manoramaganj, Indore, MP India. 

© 2021 by Praval Dadheech (Advait Sharma) 

Thank You!

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