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 HOTEL  Zero Cost Ethical Marketing 
(as per UK, US
, legal, Customer psychology perspectives)

 Consulting & Training Mix program 
[Upto 8-10 members  in your Team can attend for 1 fees in  online  Sessions. Contact us if you want more member to attend during the online session ]

Twice a week Skype Online Coaching so you get 1-2 days between session to brainstorm, do some practicals of whatever is taught [All session on Skype] 

Indian Time 3 PM - 5 PM IST

Price - $600 USD one time fees   


Benefits( Results) you can  expect (upon impleneting) from this "Hotel Zero Cost Ethical Marketing Training Consulting mix program"

Increase Revenue Direct by 22%-25% & overall revenue including OTA etc by 20%-25% year on year along with 10%-15% extra Free Time saved because you are paying per hour wage rate in many cases

20% -25% more revenues, more members, more conversions,More genuine leads, more sales

Have 10% -15% more time by using tech software to Automate & internally organised as much as possible 
* Online Sales Increase & Travel Agents Network Nurture Increase

* Increase RETENTION of your existing members


* CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAPPING - to increase loyalty & conversion at Every interaction Touch point >>  One step extra that shows you care  which increase conversion

* Right way without being pushy, irritating of doing sales & follow up 

* 6 different Follow up systems for a.lead nurturing to actual walkin conversion b. Old patients who were 1 year back to persuade for repeat business c. To get reviews from patients d. Being in touch e. Referral network develop

* Dull Season Month, Slack Season month

* Local competition zero cost mrkt  strategies

* Digital marketing for zero cost for lead generation, online visibility, social media strategy  right way, right frequency....basic seo

* Branding - offline, online & personal branding


Index Content Sections modules - Hotel, Restaurent, - Zero cost Ethical Marketing Online Consulting training mix program 

This course is divided into 14 section modules. These are bascially 14 aspects of running a  Hotel from Business Marketing angles

Section - "Zero Cost Lead Generation Strategies" to increase New Customers, get more Sales increase 

 24 new FREE Zero Cost ways for more Lead Generation Strategies with mix of Both ONLINE & OFFLINE WAYS about how to get new Enquiry/new Leads/ New Customers with Secret mantra, pros & Cons & Real example

Section - RECESSION MARKETING - How to win Recession Strategies

Because 2024 is under economic recession, so we are very focused over SURVIVNG FIRST and fixing the immediate current situation & how to marketing in Recession time

Section - FOLLOW UP SYSTEMS & SALES Pipeline Building, Sales Mindset, Objection handling, Frequency Related- Six Care Based Follow Up SYSTEMS Without being PUSHY, Aggressive / irritating/salesy to be positively in touch

Having non irrirating, non salesy, non pushy way to follow up to pursade to become a paid customer

Five Follow Up systems 

Sales Pipeline Building 

Objection Handling 

Sales Mindset- How to cope up with Stress, pressure in sales 

Section - ONLINE SALES - Includes Both Increase Direct Booking & also increasing sales by OTA 

Online space is much more competitive then  it seems because there are enormous free OTA sites, Travel Blog youtubers type content free to view on youtube and every online site have to compete with both other compeititor .

Practically  ONLINE BOOKING can be broadly sub divided into 

a. Direct Online Booking on Hotel website Increase 

b. Increase Sales in OTA - Becoming more competitive then your competitors in OTA channels also 

Section -   Banquet Sales, Corporate Sales & Group Booking

The first way should be to increase  Banquet Sales & corporate Sales & group Booking

Section - Restaurent sales Increase 

Restaurent sales is important part of Hotel Revenues. Various ways on How to increase Sales inside Restaurent is focused in this section  

Section - Digital Marketing Free Ways, Free Software, etc Social Media Secret Mantra, Pros & Cons ,  USER GENERATE CONTENT focused Strategies, latest Techniques, tactics which gives better results + Also include Whatsapp Marketing

Digital & social media is very very important for any Hotel. But most Hotels are not getting the desired results/ Desired Returns that they want on their digital marketing efforts. This sections goes very deep in digital marketing for hotels + whatsapp marketing to become more result pack.

Section - Interactive Touch Points (CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAPPING) to build Loyalty, extra care & inturn increase conversions & Repeat business  

There are basically 9 key interactions between a Guest Enquiry & Hotel  staff in the whole journey of CUSTOMER GUEST from the very first intial enquiry phone call to frontdesk/online enquiry/chat to actual booking the room/ restaurent  and after leaving the hotel campus.

This concept is also called CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAPPING in MBA Jargons. I have tried to implement this concept  HOTEL set up using free things how can we become 1 step better, 1 step more caring at each interaction with the guest customers (irrespective whether its online, telephonic or offline in person visit )

Section - Revenue Management 

 Room Vacant/ Rooms Occupited , Food Table booked Occupied & other such concepts. ADR, etc 

Section - Marketing Services Offers & Packages for  Hotel Industry  

Here i have introduced some new concept like CASHFLOW IN- DEMAND SERVICES, LIFEJACKET SERVICES & BACK UP SERVICES & Alternate sources of earnings. I have also discussed details about DULL SEASON RELATED MARKETING SALES,   Different OFFERS & PACKAGES & tactics etc on how to encourse more sales in Dull Days of week ; Niche marketing for hotels  , 

Section- Reverse Engineering 

Most of times are Yearly Sales goals/ Financial goals/ Targets are often NOT achieved because there are certain key mistakes that we do in (faulty) mental planning stage itself.  What are those, how can we fix it . 

In this section we try to  change in our mindset attitude at Mental planning stage itself to make our future plans things much more predictable, practical  &  compartively more achievable  

Section - Branding Secrets using zero cost ways/ low cost  

Hotel Branding related low cost strategies 

Section - Increase Productivity & Time Management 

Key Time management Concepts principles because along with more money sales this zero cost Ethical marketing course also aims to get increase 10% -15% extra free time / 10%-15% More productivity cheerfulness

Section- Personal Finance & Cost Cutting techniques 

This sections includes about 13 cost cutting Plus another 15  Personal finance Tip for Irregular source of earnings (as in like Hotels have dull day, dull season, off season etc  so they have kind of  irregular source of earning ) .

Also i found There were certain key patterns which i found  were repeatedly doing when it comes to personal finances & Cost cutting to run their set up. This was mostly because they have not  even aware of this,  sometimes because no one have told them to cut cost this way ; sometimes because they have not even thought brainstorm from those angles when it comes to personal finance & cost cutting.

Section - Internal Documentation, Compaliance etc related optimisation

For small midsized Hotels we use simple things like google drive, google spredsheets, etc to have all internal documentation, etc things are optimized . 

Like , one of things i did, was that I have put Formulas Macros in excel sheet to make it like a Customer CRM/Sales CRM Managment System in Excel sheet using formulas Macros, to save money & time for costly Patient management software for small hospital set up . Video below 

Section - Employees Hiring & Training Optimisation to increase internal speed, productivity & efficiency using simple Free things that brings better resulsts

This section is focused on Optimisation of Employee Hiring & Training related time efforts cost which consumes a lot of time of Head boss in a small set up .  Simple Techniques using simple Free things here helps in directly increase internal speed, productivity & efficiency in employees Hiring & Training Process 

Section - HR Best Practise 

This section is focused over when you already have employees. then what things you can do to make them comparatively more happy, more productive, more enthusaistic towards, so as they become more loyal & server your customer better. You as Head boss take "BETTER" care of your employees & the employees take "BETTER" care of your Patients/Customers 

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free to contact us

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Mobile +91-8959802646

Address G-7, Ayodhya Appartment, 9a Manoramaganj, Indore, MP India. 

© 2021 by Praval Dadheech (Advait Sharma) 

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